Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to Stop Complaining and Start Improving Government


...In the next three months, the Technology for Transparency Network will produce 32 case studies of different good-governance projects and 16 blog posts highlighting other projects...The network plans to challenge project leaders to figure out how their work could create concrete, offline change...

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Monday, January 25, 2010

25 Intelligent Optimists

Jurriaan Kamp | Jan/Feb 2010 issue
Ode Magazine

Ode asked 25 famous people–Hollywood actors, prominent politicians, scientists, authors–to nominate their favorite Intelligent Optimist, a person who isn't famous but should be for his or her work to create a better world. The result: 25 inspiring profiles of changemakers you've never heard of–yet...

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Prosecutors Target Northwestern Journalism Students Working on Exonerating Wrongfully Convicted Prisoners

January 12, 2009

Prosecutors in Chicago are targeting a group of Northwestern University journalism students who have helped exonerate eleven wrongfully convicted prisoners, including five on death row. Cook County prosecutors have subpoenaed Northwestern and the Medill Innocence Project to hand over student grades, grading criteria, class syllabi, expense reports and email messages. Prosecutors are focusing on the students who conducted a three-year investigation into Anthony McKinney, who was convicted of fatally shooting a security guard in 1978. A judge is now reviewing McKinney’s case...

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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jews raise voices for brutalised Gaza

By Linda S. Heard
Online Journal
January 6, 2009

...All those who stepped out of their comfort zones during the holidays to support the people of Gaza should be commended. But Epstein, Benjamin, Kasrils and Gottlieb, along with the other Jews who joined the march, have exemplified humanity’s best; people willing to prove the courage of their convictions even if this means encountering hostility from their own communities...

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