Thursday, August 7, 2008

Do Not Pass Go. Go Directly to

Do you have five minutes to help bring the U.S. Senate into the 21st century? Do you have a phone? Are you at your computer? (If you're reading this, you probably are.) Then we've got a favor to ask. The Senate is considering a bill -- S. 223 -- that would require senators to disclose their campaign contributions electronically, just like the House and presidential candidates have been doing for years. The Sunlight Foundation, CRP and other transparency advocates have been pushing hard to get this bill passed this session, and we now have more than 40 co-sponsors of the bill. We need your help to get it passed into law.

1 comment:

Nisha Thompson said...

Thanks for posting about! We appreciate your support. We are definitely making an impression. We are making the Senate work during their recess!

Nisha Thompson
Sunlight Foundation