Friday, November 7, 2008

Convict Bush/Cheney

Please add your name as an individual or organization to a petition demanding impeachment if Bush pardons himself or his subordinates by registering / logging in, and then signing the petition.

How to indict Bush, Cheney, et alia, at the state or local level for murder or attempted murder.

How to make a citizen's arrest of a war criminal.

How to contact the International Criminal Court.

How to pass local resolutions and ordinances.

How to stop false pardons.

Other law suit possibilities.

Play our theme song by Pat Scanlon.

Buy an ARREST BUSH Shirt.

Watch video of September 2008 conference in Andover, Mass.

Coming soon: Mandamus: How you can ask a judge to order a prosecution, and how we can all do so on the same day in a national action. It's been tried in Minnesota with this writ, yielding this refusal.

Coming soon: How to use a state initiative to create an independent prosecutor.

Coming soon: How to prosecute international crimes in Florida and other states that allow common law criminal prosecutions.

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