Thursday, November 27, 2008

Our Ultimate Chance. Big Auto's Last Chance.

...There are 3 things we need to ask our representatives in DC to demand from the auto industry if they are to take $25 billion of our tax dollars.

1. We will not pay if you pollute!
The Big 3 (Ford, GM, and Chrysler) must commit to being the most fuel-efficient fleets on the planet. Mandate a fleet-wide fuel economy of 50 mpg by 2015.

2. Give us clean options!
Each of the Big 3 (Ford, GM, and Chrysler) must commit to producing 1 million Plug In Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) by 2012 and 3 million PHEV’s by 2015.

3. Create green industry!
Commit to retooling the entire industry to produce these vehicles and lead the way into a new green economy.

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