Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mass Atrocities Against Ethnic Minority Civilians - TAKE ACTION

US Campaign For

Child Soldiers
Forced Labor
Sexual Violence
Health Crisis/Landmines
3200 Villages Destroyed

Eastern Burma is Asia's worst Internally Displaced People (IDP) crisis zone, with over half a million people on the run from the military dictatorship's vicious attacks and ethnic cleansing. Burma's ethnic nationality areas around the country are all subject to the military dictatorship's attacks and abuses.

The situation in Eastern Burma, however, is particularly dire: the armed conflict raging in Eastern Burma is the world's longest currently-running conflict. The military has destroyed over 3200 villages, and Eastern Burma is now the world's most heavily mined region. In 2006 alone, 82,000 people fled from or were forced from their homes to become IDPs in Eastern Burma, now living in camps guarded by ethnic resistance armies, barely surviving. These people have fled direct attacks aimed at ethnically cleansing resource-rich areas and consolidating the military dictatorship's control over the entire country. The military uses tactics such as rape, forced labor, abducting children to be soldiers, torture and executions to instill their reign of terror over eastern Burma.

The attacks on civilians in eastern Burma started for a number of different reasons. It is important to understand that the areas under attack by the ruling military junta have been controlled by ethnic groups in Burma for many years. The present military junta has never controlled these areas. The junta began carrying out a war in order to take over these areas from the ethnic minorities, which had their own government, security apparatus and commerce. The junta wants complete, totalitarian control of the entire region.

Watch the trailer to Witness‘ video “Shoot on Sight” to learn more.

Internal Displacement in Eastern Burma: 2007 Survey
- From Thailand Burma Border Consortium ( .

Campaign of Brutality
- From Free Burma Rangers ( A report and analysis of Burma Army offensive Against the People of Northern Karen State, Eastern Burma, Feb 2006- Feb 2007. Free Burma Rangers is a good source for up to date information on the situation

Map of Displaced Villages 1996-2007
- From TBBC

Report on Satellite Imagery of the Conflict in Eastern Burma
- Produced by the Geospatial Technologies and Human Rights project as part of
the Science and Human Rights Program (SHRP; of the American Association or the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

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