Friday, May 23, 2008

Open Letter to Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer and Yellowstone Superintendent Suzanne Lewis: May 16, 2008

Open Letter to Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer and Yellowstone Superintendent Suzanne Lewis:

I have just seen the press release on your decision to haze bison near West Yellowstone into the Park. How absurd and despicable! Aside from the fact that green-up has barely begun inside the Park, not to mention that bison are now calving and hazing them creates additional unnecessary stress for them, your "little" operation conveniently ignores the conspicuous lack of cattle anywhere near Horse Butte and the Upper Madison.

You're not protecting cattle against brucellosis--a truly frivolous and dishonest assertion. You're merely torturing bison to please the obsolete and oligarchic livestock industry.

The livestock industry clearly owns your offices. Your actions willfully neglect the public trust--your duty to the citizens of Montana and the United States to conserve and protect bison against all enemies. The livestock industry is the enemy of bison, but you have thrown your support to the wrong side. It may be politick to do so, but it is neither courageous nor moral.

Once again, the State of Montana and Yellowstone National Park are demonstrating that the mentality and brutality of the police state drives the so-called Interagency Bison Management Plan. You may have the law--not to mention the big battalions--on your side, but you don't have history on your side. It is we, those of us who know the truth, who are writing the history. And history will not treat you two any better than it has treated Chivington and Custer.

Slaughter all the bison you want; how will history remember you? We all already know the answer.


Robert Hoskins

Crowheart, Wyo.

1 comment:

voyager said...

1,098 American Bison Killed Since November
For Immediate Release, March 17, 2008
Nine more killed Thursday May 22