Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tell TIAA-CREF to put genocide-free investing on the ballot

Investors Against Genocide

New campaign launched
to get TIAA-CREF
to put genocide-free investing
on the ballot
for its July 15, 2008
shareholders meeting.

How to support genocide-free investing at TIAA-CREF

Please join our shareholder campaign for TIAA-CREF to commit to genocide-free investing. Though TIAA-CREF is not one of the largest holders of problem companies, such as PetroChina, it should live up to its marketing credo of “financial services for the greater good."

You can play a key role whether or not you are a TIAA-CREF shareholder. You and your organization can help by sening messages to TIAA-CREF and by spreading the word about the campaign to get the genocide-free investing proposal on the ballot for the July 15, 2008, shareholders meeting.
Send a message to TIAA-CREF asking them to put the genocide-free investing shareholder proposal on the proxy ballot for voting at the July 15, 2008, shareholder meeting. Though it was submitted five months in advance, TIAA-CREF is pushing the proposal to July 2009! Your voice as a customer, along with many thousands of others, is especially important!
Submit a shareholder proposal to a TIAA-CREF fund. We've made it easy to play a part. See below.
Tell your friends and forward them this article from the Chronicle of Higher Education:
Tell TIAA-CREF You Do Not Want Your Retirement Money to Support Genocide
Forward this email text to your friends and ask them to support the effort to get our proposal on the upcoming ballot and to make TIAA-CREF genocide free.
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Click here for a sample.
Most local weekly newspapers (not the large metropolitan dailies) will publish all letters to the editor received from town residents. You can easily find the email address by searching for your paper on the Internet. You will most likely find instructions on submitting a letter to the editor in the "Opinion" section. To make it easy, we’ve drafted a sample letter that you can cut and paste into an email and send to your hometown paper.
Raise awareness at your workplace, especially if your employer offers TIAA-CREF funds in its retirement plans. Get your company and co-workers involved.
Make a donation. We are a volunteer-based organization so 100% of your contribution will go directly to shareholder outreach.
Publicize the campaign to your group's members via email to your list, website, internal magazines and bulletins.
Provide a statement of support from your group.
Use the campaign materials that we've provided.
Contact us with your ideas and interest in working together on this campaign. Thanks for your help!
Learn more about genocide-free investing and our strategy and plans for shareholder proposals.

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